At AFCAC, our Safety Strategic Objective is to enhance Aviation Safety and the efficiency of Air Navigation Services in Africa. We support Member States’ Implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices so that they can effectively and efficiently manage Safety matters in this rapidly growing aviation industry.
In addition, as a pillar to the implementation of the Single African Air Transport Market, AFCAC promotes integration and increased capacity and efficiency of air navigation in Africa.
1. Meeting Our Objectives

To meet our Safety objectives, we:
● and harmonise common Safety rules and regulations.
● and maintain a strong Aviation Safety system and culture.
● and encourage the adoption of a common Air Traffic Management system.
● strategies in collaboration with all Stakeholders to identify, monitor and mitigate Safety risks to civil aviation.
● identify and monitor Safety risks to civil aviation.
● the implementation of Safety management systems across all Safety-related disciplines.
● the timely implementation of ICAO provisions and SARPs.
● civil aviation matters in Africa and cooperate with ICAO and all other relevant organisations and bodies which are involved in the promotion and development of civil aviation.
● the exchange of Safety information between African States.
● both the use of IT Tools and upgrade of air navigation systems in aviation Safety.
● the timely resolution of Safety-critical items identified by regional Planning and Implementation Groups (PIRGs) and regional Aviation Safety Groups.
2. About Aviation Safety

If air traffic growth continues at the current rate, it’s expected to double in the next 15 years. This increase in passenger flow will lead to new Safety challenges that require AFCAC to develop initiatives and to support States with their implementation. In cooperation with ICAO, we conduct programmes aimed at enhancing aviation Safety across Africa, such as the Africa and Indian Ocean Cooperative Inspectorate Scheme (AFI-CIS), African Women in Aviation Platform, Experts Working Groups, and the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).
The division is headed by the Director Safety & Technical who is assisted by a team of aviation Safety experts. Through cooperation and collaboration with international organisations and partners, resources are allocated to assist member States to implement the Abuja Safety and ANS targets and comply with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.
In order to support Member States in developing the required expertise in various aviation domains, we, in collaboration with International Partners, conduct capacity building programmes through various workshops and training sessions. This includes the deployment of experts to Member States to assist them through the On-the-job training programmes during the AFI-CIS Technical Assistance Mission and the implementation of specific programs at the request of member states.
We have developed partnerships and collaborative arrangements to support the delivery of our mandate to Member States. These include ICAO AFI Plan, funding from the European Union-Africa Safety in Aviation (EU-ASA) Project, AfDB and Aircraft Manufacturers such as Boeing who have all contributed significantly towards enhancing our support to Member States.
With this support, various interventions addressing existing Safety Oversight deficiencies have resulted in increased effective implementation of ICAO SARPs amongst Member States. Periodic reviews are conducted by ICAO in collaboration with AFCAC to check whether sufficient resources are being allocated to assist Member States. Such reviews which include specific interventions and programs of implementation are discussed at the ICAO AFI Aviation Week annually.
3. African-Indian Ocean Cooperative
Inspectorate Scheme AFI-CIS

We established the AFI-CIS in collaboration with ICAO, RSOOs and member States to assist States address Safety oversight related concerns. We, through the AFI-CIS Program, support member States to enhance their effective implementation of ICAO Standards & Recommended Practices (SARPs). This program has proven to be an effective tool to resolve identified deficiencies within a reasonable time period.
The Scheme provides African States with an opportunity to share the limited human resources as they collaboratively promote Aviation Safety. Since its inception in 2012, more than forty assistance missions have been conducted which has contributed to the resolution of SSCs and increase of African member States’ level of Effective Implementation of ICAO SARPS.

We have conducted four AFI-CIS Induction and Refresher Workshops since the inception of the AFI-CIS project in 2012, the most recent being held in March 2023 with the inclusion of Dangerous Goods, Safety Management Systems and Aircraft Accident Investigation.
At its inception, AFI-CIS only covered 3 ICAO audit areas: Operations, Air-worthiness, and Personnel Licensing. Over the years, this has been expanded to include ANS and AGA. The expanded scope has made AFI-CIS more relevant to the needs of our member States and to keep pace with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices relating to Personnel Licensing, Airworthiness of Aircraft, Operation of Aircraft, Aerodromes and Ground Aids, Air Navigation Services, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation and State Safety Programme and Safety Management Systems.
4. Abuja Safety and Air Navigation Targets

The Abuja Safety & Air Navigation Services Targets consists of 16 continental Safety and ANS Targets based on the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). The targets were agreed amongst African member States to enhance aviation Safety in Africa. AFCAC was tasked to monitor the level of implementation of the Abuja Safety and ANS Targets on behalf of African member States

Progressively reduce the African accident rate from 8.6 to 2.5 per million departures by the end of 2022 with particular attention to CFIT and LOCI related occurrences.
All States establish and strengthen autonomous Civil Aviation Authorities with independent regulatory oversight, sustainable sources of funding and resources to carry out effective Safety oversight and regulation of the aviation industry by 2022.
States to resolve:
• Existing SSCs by June 2018;
• Newly identified SSCs within 6 months from the date of its official publication by ICAO.
States to abide by the timelines and provide resources for implementation of ICAO USOAP State Action Plans.
States progressively increase the Effective Implementation (EI) percentage under the ICAO USOAP such that States with:
• EI < 60% attain 60% by 2020;
• 60% ≤ EI ≤ 70% attain 80% by 2022;
• 70% < EI attain 95% by 2028.
All States to implement SSP/SMS consistent with the agreed milestones.
All International Aerodromes to be certified by 2022.
Require all African airlines to obtain an IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certification
All States to establish an effective and operational SAR organization.
All States to implement the transition from AIS to AIM.
All States to implement PBN procedures for all instrument runways.
All States to progressively reduce the rate of aircraft proximity (AIRPROX) occurrences in their managed airspaces by at least 50% annually from Dec. 2017 baseline, in order to attain and maintain a level of zero (0) Airprox by correspondingly reducing errors in the following contributive factors.
• Establishment of seamless Air Navigation Services in the AFI Region:
• All States to ensure provision of harmonized Air Navigation Services in terms of flight separation, interoperability of CNS/ATM systems to reduce airspace complexity and achieve seamless operations along major air traffic flows.
• Various initiatives formulated by the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and ANSPs within the AFI Region to be harmonized.

5. Training and Scholarships in Safety

At AFCAC, we offer a wide variety of Safety-related training in cooperation with various partners, States and renowned international institutions.

The training covers the following areas:
● Aviation Law
● Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation (AIG)
● Airworthiness (AIR)
● Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AGA)
● Air Navigation Services (ANS)
● Air Operations (OPS)
● Personnel Licensing (PEL)