1. What does AFCAC do?
AFCAC facilitates civil aviation matters for African states with an ultimate goal of developing a more integrated and sustainable air transport across Africa.

2. Why is AFCAC needed? 
AFCAC’s Mission is to grow and improve cooperation and coordination among African States in all matters of civil aviation.

3. What is the SAATM?
Launched in January of 2018, the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) is an African Union Agenda 2063 flagship project that aims to create a unified air transport market across the whole of Africa by fully implementing the Yamoussoukro Decision.

4. What is the Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) Decision?
The Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) is a landmark initiative intended to develop the aviation industry by promoting the full liberalisation of intra-African air transport services including market access, the free exercise of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Freedom Traffic Rights for scheduled and freight air services by eligible airlines. The YD has precedence over any multilateral or bilateral agreements on air services between State parties, that are incompatible with the Decision. It was designed to bind all State parties to the provisions of the Decision.

5. How does AFCAC support safety in aviation?
Aviation Safety is a key AFCAC objective is to promote aviation safety for all AU member States. The division is headed by the Director of Safety & Technical who is assisted by a team of aviation safety experts. AFCAC conducts programmes aimed at enhancing aviation safety in Africa, such as the Africa and Indian Ocean – Cooperative Inspectorate Scheme (AFI-CIS) and the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) in cooperation with ICAO.

6. What is the AFCAC doing to improve the aviation security environment?
Our Strategic Objective for aviation security and facilitation is to support the African Member States to better understand and harmonise implementation of ICAO’s:
Annex 17 – Aviation Security. Safeguarding international Civil Aviation Against Acts of unlawful Interference
Annex 9 – Facilitation Programmes. Border Controls and Procedures