
Spotlight 12



1. Interview

Karl Legba
Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Benin

“SAATM PIP is a project fully supports by Benin and as such, we wish to therefore urge all African States to use it as a tool for the growth and development of air transport.”

1) What have been your achievements in CAA and aviation in your country in 2022 ?

As a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Benin, through its National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) has the mandate to oversee civil aviation safety and security. To this end, in 2022, ANAC Benin undertook the following activities:

As part of the government’s action programme (PAG 2021-2026), the President of the Republic of Benin, His Excellency Patrice Talon, has placed tourism as one of Benin’s development engines. As such, and in a most practical way, air transport, a tool par excellence for bringing people together, has been granted special attention. To this end, and under the supervision of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Hervé HEHOMEY, Benin has been working on four major components:

  • In the area of infrastructure, Cotonou Airport has been modernised and the infrastructure and facilities brought up to international standards. This has enabled the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) to proceed with the certification of the airport with the support of the West African Monetary Union (WAEMU), AFCAC and ICAO.
  • The second component was the restructuring of the Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC). This has resulted in a doubling of the number of inspectors sworn in in all areas. Furthermore, the level of compliance has been considerably improved following the ICAO USAP-CMA audit in January 2022.
  • The third component is connectivity, with a significant step towards the opening up of air transport to new operators serving the leading Western destinations, which had not been the case for several years now. In addition, in the context of air connectivity, Benin took part in the Fourteenth ICAO Conference on Air Service Negotiations (ICAN 2022) from 5 to 9 December 2022, in Nigeria. This meeting led to the signing of memorandums of understanding or the initialing of agreements: four (4) negotiations and four (4) aviation consultations with States from Africa, Europe and Asia. The meeting also allowed for dialogue with five (5) other States.
  • Finally, in terms of international cooperation, we were able to achieve the signing of a ground-breaking framework agreement with ICAO on Technical Cooperation on Aviation Safety in the context of the project on hosting the LADR system (Locating of an Aircraft in Distress Repository), during the 41st ICAO General Assembly, which took place from 27 September to 7 October 2022. In addition, there was the ratification on 7 December 2022, of three (03) Protocols of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). These are:
    • Protocols relating to the Amendments to [Article 50 a] and [Article 56], of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in Montreal on 6 October 2016;
    • Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committted on Board Aircraft, done in Montreal on 4 April 2014.

2) What are your challenges and how can AFCAC assist you?

Our current challenges are quite simple: ANAC Benin needs to build the capacity of its technical staff and also train a fair number of them. Also, the country is targeting the highest compliance rate in accordance with ICAO standards and recommended practices. In this respect, the involvement of AFCAC, through the provision of Technical Assistance in all categories, is highly desirable, as we have indeed benefited from such support in the past.

3) Your commitment to SAATM: how are you going to proceed with the implementation?

Benin has been involved in the process of implementing the Single African Air Transport Market since January 2015, and has taken certain essential steps in the pursuit of this flagship project of the African Union Commission’s Agenda 2063. The actions undertaken so far are in line with the immediate measures defined by the African Union Commission.

Benin has entirely harmonised its bilateral air agreements with all the provisions of the Yamoussoukro Decision, including the removal of all restrictions on traffic rights for the 3rd, 4th and 5th Freedom, frequencies, ticket fares and capacity.

In view of its effectiveness, ANAC Benin will continue to participate actively in all related actions as well as play a leading role in the SAATM. In 2022, we established a Centre of Excellence in civil aviation capacity building. This Centre, which aims to be regional-based, intends to develop training activities within the framework of the SAATM. In this respect, three course modules are in progress, namely:

  • The SAATM Regulatory Framework;
  • Tools for the Operationalisation of the SAATM;
  • SAATM and the Development of Tourism in Africa.

To achieve this, the support of AFCAC will still be required to enable us reach our goals.

4) What can you say about SAATM PIP?

SAATM PIP is a project fully supports by Benin and as such, we wish to therefore urge all African States to use it as a tool for the growth and development of air transport.